Diaries kept by Hone from 1828 to 1851 (the first volume was used as a notebook beginning in 1826, while Hone was mayor, until diary entries start May 1, 1828). Hone, a wealthy, prominent and cultured man, writes of the hundreds of prominent people with whom he came in contact: statesmen, artists, politicians, authors, businessmen, and others. He records the balls, dinners, and other entertainments he attends; national and local issues of the day; events in New York such as fires, riots, and visits of prominent foreigners; activities of the many cultural and philanthropic organizations which he assisted; his interest in newspapers, art, banks and banking, business conditions, railroads, and theatre; and his close involvement with the Whig Party. The notebook portion of the first volume includes texts of speeches he gave, lists of people "invited to dine", and copies of corresondence.